The most frequently asked questions

Here you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions. If you have any further inquieries you can reach us via e-mail at

Product information

What is PrEP?

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (in short: PrEP) can be used to efficiently protect against HIV infection.

Where can I find additional information on PrEP?

Our “Pharmatipp” deals with the most important questions about the PrEP medication Emtricitabine-Tenofovir-Mepha®.

Is PrEP covered by health insurance?

From 1 July 2024, PrEP will be covered by health insurance under certain conditions. The most important condition is a prescription from a SwissPrEPared centre.

Does PrEP protect against all sexually transmitted infections?

PrEP only protects against HIV and not against other sexually transmitted infections.

How do I take PrEP?

In the case of On demand PrEP take two tablets 2 to 24 hours before sexual intercourse, then one tablet daily at the same time (plus/minus 2 hours). After the last sexual intercourse, continue with one tablet a day for two days. The On demand PrEP is not suitable for women with vaginal intercourse.

In the case of Daily PrEP, the intake begins 7 days before sexual intercourse. Subsequently, the drug is taken daily at the same time.

If you want to stop the Daily PrEP, you should take the medication for another 7 days after the last risky sex. Men can also stop the prophylaxis earlier (after 2 days), women with vaginal intercourse should strictly adhere to the general 7-day period or even extend it to 28 days.

In general, pills should be taken with a light to high-fat meal. This improves the absorption into the body by about one third.

Is the application the same for men and women?

The on-demand PrEP is not suitable for women because the full protective effect is built up more slowly in the vaginal tract. For women, therefore, only the Daily PrEP method is an option.

What is my PrEP medication?

Emtricitabine/Tenofovirdisoproxil 200 mg/245 mg Mepha. The package contains 30 tablets. This medication is the only generic PrEP approved in Switzerland. It is gluten and lactose free.

What are the possible side effects?

As a rule, PrEP is well tolerated. Gastrointestinal disorders are the most common side effects reported, in particular when starting with the prophylaxis. Kidney damage may also occur (regular checks required) and there can be a decrease in bone density.

How effective is PrEP?

PrEP guarantees reliable protection against HIV infection. PrEP is most effective when it is used correctly:

With continuous PrEP, it is important to ensure that the medication is taken daily, always at the same time and always with a meal.

With on-demand PrEP, it is important that the two starting tablets are taken early enough (better 24 hours before sex than 2 hours before sex), with a meal, and that the intake of the other tablets after high-risk sex is always continued at the same time (24 and 48 hours after the two starting tablets).

How fast is PrEP effective?

Daily PrEP: After at least 2 days of ingestion, one is protected against HIV. In the case of vaginal intercourse, sufficient protection is achieved only after at least 7 days of intake. 

On-demand PrEP: Men are protected if the two tablets have been taken at least 2 hours (and a maximum of 24 hours) before sex.

What should I do if I forget to take a Daily PrEP tablet?

If you forget a tablet: Infection is unlikely if taken 5-7 days in advance. Nevertheless, make up the intake as soon as possible.

If more than 12 hours have passed before you remember to take a tablet and it is almost time for the next dose, do not take the missed dose but simply continue with the next dose as normal.

When should I not take PrEP?

PrEP is contraindicated in persons with unknown or positive HIV status, hypersensitivity to the active ingredients or any of the excipients, severe renal dysfunction and those on dialysis. The on-demand PrEP is unsuitable for women and for persons with chronic hepatitis B.

Ordering process

What are the prices for self-pay patients?

Self-payers pay CHF 49 per pack. Shipping is free of charge for 3 packs or more.

How high are the prices when billed via the health insurance company?

In principle, we grant health insurance companies a discount on all generics subject to compulsory health insurance. The amount of the discount is determined by law. In the case of PrEP, this discount amounts to 15% of the official sales price of currently CHF 72.00. The pharmacy fees agreed with the health insurance companies are added to this. In principle, shipping is free of charge when billed via the health insurance companies.

Why do I need a prescription from the doctor for my order?

PrEP is a prescription medication. Before starting PrEP, a consultation with a specialist must take place. During this consultation, tests for sexually transmitted diseases are performed, blood and kidney values are checked and the HIV status is determined. In order for us to properly send you the medication, we therefore need a doctor's prescription.

What happens to my data when I pay myself?

Your data are only processed by Apotheke Schaffhauserplatz AG in line with the information required for storing drug-related data in order to sell mail order medicinal drugs. We treat your data confidentially and do not pass them on to third parties.

What happens to my data when billing via the health insurance company?

The information will be processed within the framework of the information on the storage of drug-related data for participation in the mail order business with drugs at Apotheke Schaffhauserplatz AG. For billing purposes, only preparation details and the name of the prescribing doctor will be passed on to your health insurance company. The health insurance company is invoiced via Medidata; you will receive a copy of the invoice via HIN. These service providers do not store any data.

Why do I have to confirm my identity for my order?

By confirming your identity, we ensure that no-one apart from yourself can order and receive PrEP in your name.